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Remediated Topicals

Announcing a new test type in Pennsylvania, Remediated Topicals

Miles Dinsmore avatar
Written by Miles Dinsmore
Updated over a year ago

A new Test Type, Remediation, and Infused Non-Edible Sub-category, Remediated Topicals are now available in Pennsylvania.

The Test Type Remediation is available to Grower-Processors (G/Ps) that have an item that has previously failed testing for Mycotoxins or Yeast. Following the new workflow, these G/Ps will be able to remediate their product and obtain a Remediation test type.

This test type will allow items with the Category Concentrate to be made into items with the Category Infused Non-Edible and Sub-Category Remediated Topical.


1.) Ensure that your Concentrate item with a failed result has failed for Mycotoxins and Yeast.

2.) Submit a sample of this item to a Lab following this guide.

3.) After obtaining a Passing test type of Remediation on your item, create an Product Master with the Category Infused Non-edible and Sub-category Remediated Topical.

4.) Navigate to Facility Settings and Assemblies. Create an Infusion/Assembly and select your newly created Product Master as the Production Item.
5.) Follow the steps on this guide to convert your remediated product into a Remediated Topical.

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