How to Link a Package to METRC
Miles Dinsmore avatar
Written by Miles Dinsmore
Updated over a week ago

The procedure outlined in this article is part of the initial Metrc integration process. For an overview on the process, see METRC Integration.

Link a package to Metrc through its Tracking ID (Metrc tag) so that when the package is modified in MJ Platform, the changes will be reflected in Metrc.

Now that you have added packages to Metrc and MJ Platform for the new product masters, you will now apply tags to packages of the other product masters in MJ Platform and then in Metrc to link them.

This is involves two main steps:

1. Apply the tracking ID (tag) to the package in MJ Platform

  1. Open the App Drawer and click Inventory.

  2. Open the Modification page for the package:

    1. Click the production run to expand its row, then click one of the package IDs.

    2. Click Modify.

  3. From the METRC Reason drop-down menu, select "Typing/Entry Error".

  4. In the Tracking Id field, select the next available Metrc tag.

  5. Copy the tag you entered into the field. You will need this for part 2 below.

  6. Under Modification Date at the bottom of the page, click Today.

  7. Click Modify Package And Return.

2. Apply the tracking ID (tag) to the package in Metrc

  1. Log into Metrc.

  2. Go to Transfers tab > External > Incoming.

  3. Click New Transfer.

  4. Fill out the required fields:

    1. From the Type drop-down menu, select "Beginning Inventory Transfer".

    2. In the Phone No field, enter your business phone number.

    3. In the planned route field, enter the following message, inserting your license number where necessary: “All packages were weighed and/or counted at License Number <your license>. Verified by Metrc Admin.“

    4. Click the magnifying glass button to open a window and search for the product master.

    5. Click the product master and click SELECT to close the window.

    6. In the Quantity field, enter the package weight.

    7. Next to the Package Date field, click today.

    8. Click Register Transfer to close the New Incoming Transfer window and add it to the list.

  5. Click Complete in the rightmost column of the listed transfer. This opens the Complete Incoming Transfer window.

  6. Add the required information:

    1. In the Package #1 field, paste the tracking ID from step 5 in the previous section, or click the magnifying glass and select the same ID number from step 5 in the previous section.

    2. In the Location field, click the magnifying glass and select the location of the package.

    3. Click Complete Transfer.


The package is linked in MJ Platform and Metrc. When the package is modified in MJ Platform, the changes will be reflected in Metrc.

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