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How to Create Lots from an Active Harvest Batch
How to Create Lots from an Active Harvest Batch
Miles Dinsmore avatar
Written by Miles Dinsmore
Updated over 3 months ago

This is the second step in the harvesting workflow. When you create lots, MJ Platform adds them to the Inventory Listing page.

Note: If this harvest batch has yet to have any lots created from it, and you operate in a jurisdiction that requires a sample lot to be sent to a lab for testing, you will only be able to create a single lot to act as the test package. Once it passes testing, you will be able to create more lots from the harvest.


Before you can complete this procedure, you must have the following prerequisites set up:

Creating Lots

Open the App Drawer and click Harvests.

Click the harvest in the list, then click Modify Harvest Package.

Enter the harvest batch information:

  1. Report any waste and the new dry weight of the harvest batch.

  2. Select the Final Weight checkbox.

  3. Select the storage area where the harvest is located.

  4. Optionally, enter the moisture percentage and any additional notes.

  5. Click Save to update the harvest information and return to the Harvest Batch Listing page.

Click the harvest in the list, then click Create Lot(s).

Enter the information about the lot in the fields provided. Required fields are marked with an asterisk in MJ Platform:



Create New Inventory Item

This checkbox is not recommended for use.

Inventory Type

This field is displayed if you operate in Puerto Rico.

Select either Flower Lots or Other Material Lots.

  • If the lot is marked as Flower Lots, you will not be able to transfer the lot until there are lab results associated with it.

  • If the lot is marked as Other material lots, it cannot have lab results associated with it. This means you can transfer it to a manufacturing partner but you will not be able to transfer it to a dispensary.

We recommend selecting Flower Lots even for trim if you want it to be sent to a dispensary, since you cannot transfer Other Material Lots to dispensaries.

Mark as Test Package

This checkbox is displayed if your state integration supports or requires test packages. Select the checkbox to mark the lot as a sample and will be sent out for testing. (see Plant Harvesting Workflow: step 2a for more information)

If your state (Pennsylvania or Utah) requires test packages, you cannot clear the checkbox if this is the first lot you are creating from the harvest batch.


The product master the lot will be assigned to. The drop-down menu only displays Plant category product masters of the same strain as the lot.

Storage Location

The new storage location of the lot.

Quality Rating

Select a number from 0 to 10, "Compromised", or "Failed".

Tracking Id

This field is displayed if your state integration requires a tracking ID (such as a METRC or BioTrack tag). Select the next available tag to assign to the lot.


The option you select will be displayed for the lot on the Inventory page when it is created.

Lot ID

This is automatically populated when you select the product. You can manually modify it if required.

Lot Wt.

The weight of the inventory without packaging.

If the lot is marked as a test package, the gross weight should be three times the weight of the single sample size in case additional testing is needed.

Gross Wt.

The lot weight plus the packaging weight.

Created By User

This field is displayed if your state integration requires you to track who created the lot. Select a user from the drop-down menu.

Packaged Date

The date the lot was packaged.

Created Date

The date the lot was created. This is often the same as a the packaged date.

Expiration Date

The date the lot expires.

Needs Solo*TAG actiavtion

This field is displayed if you operate in Utah. Set this to "Yes" to request a Solo*TAG. It is required to track the harvest in Utah.

If you are creating more than one lot from the harvest, click Add New Lot (+) and repeat the previous step.

Report the total waste and verify the final weights.

  • If required by your state system, you must also select the harvest waste type.

  • If you are creating lots out of the entire harvest batch in one go, ensure the amount entered into the Report Waste field is equal to the total weight, so that the Remaining Weight field is zero. If there is any remaining weight, that portion of the harvest batch will remain on the Active tab on the Harvest Batch Listing page and will not be included in the lot.

  • If you have waste tracking enabled, waste will be generated and listed on the Inventory page under the Waste tab when you save. You can then track the waste.

Create the lots:

  • Click Save And Print Label to create the lots and add them to the Inventory page. The Print window will open where you can print the labels.

  • Click Create Lots to create the lots and add them to the Inventory page. You will be returned to the Harvest Batch Listing page.

If you marked any lot as a test package, send it out for testing.

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