Checking Out
Miles Dinsmore avatar
Written by Miles Dinsmore
Updated over a week ago

This is the last step in the retail point of sale workflow.

Use the Payment page to record payment, print receipts/labels, and add notes.

In this article:

Accessing the Payment/Check Out Page

If you have already fulfilled all the items in a patient's cart, you can check out the patient directly from their cart.

To get back to the Payment page for the patient, select the patient from the queue:

  1. Open the App Drawer, expand the Queue menu and click Payment.

  2. Click the PAYMENT button on the patient you want to check out.

    • If the patient is not in the Payment queue, it means there is at least one item in their cart that hasn't been fulfilled in the system. Find the patient in another queue and fulfill their items first.

Modifying the Order

If you need to make a last-minute change, use the buttons above the Cart Totals section.

  • CANCEL ORDER: Click twice to delete the order and return to the queue page.

  • PRODUCT MENU: Return to the Product Menu page to add items to the cart.

  • EDIT FULFILLMENT: Return to the patient's cart to modify the fulfillment or coupons/discounts.

Completing Payment

From the right side pane of the page you can record the amount paid by the patient by payment method. You can enable or disable each type of payment method as needed.

The display values update as you enter amounts into the payment method fields.

Optionally, reward points can be set up as a payment tender. This setting can be changed, as well as the cash value for each point, in the Rewards Settings.

Use the Order Notes section to add a note to the bottom of the receipt.

Click Save/Update to add the note.

Click COMPLETE PAYMENT when done.

You can then print labels and the receipt.

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