These are data keys you can use when creating custom labels.
Some data keys are applicable to multiple label types (patient package labels, harvest batch labels, inventory labels, and plant labels) and some data keys are applicable only to one. Look in the Applicable to column in the tables below to see which label type each data key is applicable to.
Many data keys have a dot-delimited prefix. This means they start with a word followed by a dot. The prefix indicates where the data key gets its information from. For example, data keys whose source is the inventory's product master have the prefix "item_master" followed by a dot. Look for a prefix that matches the source you want to pull from.
In this article:
General Data Keys
These keys do not have any dot-delimited prefixes.
The Applicable to column indicates which type of labels the data key will work for.
Data Key | Description | Applicable to |
active | Whether the package is on the Active tab on the Patient/Harvest Batch/Inventory Listing page. | Patient |
cbd | CBD content according to the most recent lab results for the package. | Patient |
cbd_symbol | The symbol of measurement for CBD content. Usually a % sign. | Patient |
cbn | CBN content according to the most recent lab results for the package. | Patient |
cbn_symbol | The symbol of measurement for CBN content. Usually a % sign. | Patient |
currentDate | The current date in the format specified in your facility settings. (Time is also displayed but is always 00:00:00.) | Patient |
finished | Whether the Is finished Product checkbox is selected for the package (only appears in some jurisdictions). | Patient |
gross_weight_base_deprecated | Deprecated. | Patient |
gross_weight_base | Comes from the Gross Weight field in the product master if it is present for the product category. This data is displayed in micrograms. | Patient |
harvest_batch_number | The harvest batch number. This only works if the package was created directly from a harvest batch. | Patient |
health | The health and benefits statement associated with the package's product master subcategory. | Patient |
ides | The pesticides statement associated with the package's product master subcategory. | Patient |
id | The internal MJ Platform ID of the package/harvest batch. Not recommended for use. Use package_code or plant_id instead. | Patient |
inactivated_time | The UTC date and time the package was inactivated. | Patient |
integration_type | Deprecated. | Patient |
item_category_code | The internal code of the product master's category. Not recommended for use. | Patient |
item_description | Comes from the Product Expansion Description field in the product master. | Patient |
item_name | The name of the product master. | Patient |
last_transaction_time | The UTC date and time of the last modification/transfer of the package. | Patient |
location_name | The section the package/harvest batch is located in. | Patient |
lot_number | The lot number of the items in package. For plants it's the same as plant_batch_number. | Patient |
mandated | The mandated statement associated with the package's product master subcategory. | Patient |
medically_compliant | Deprecated. | Patient |
medically_compliant_status | Deprecated. | Patient |
medicated_weight_base | Patient | |
medicated_weight_uom_display | Patient | |
modality | Not recommended for use. | Patient |
net_weight_base | Comes from the Product Net Weight field in the product master if it is present for the product category. This data is displayed in micrograms. | Patient |
net_weight_uom_display | Deprecated. | Patient |
on_hold | Whether the On Hold field is set to Yes in the package's/plant's properties.
For plants, prefix this with "mother." to get the info of the mother plant. Prefix it with another "mother." to get the info of the mother's mother plant, and so on. | Patient |
order_qty | The quantity sold to the customer after checking out. | Patient |
package_code | The package ID as seen on the Inventory page. | Patient |
package_created_at | The UTC date of packaging according to inventory receipt, split package operation, etc. | Patient |
package_expires_at | Expiry date of package according to inventory receipt, split package operation, harvest, etc. | Patient |
packaged_at | The UTC date and time of packaging according to inventory receipt, split package operation, harvest, etc. | Patient |
parent_item_master_name | Deprecated. | Patient |
plant_batch_number | The ID of the plant batch used to create the harvest batch. If used on a patient or inventory package label, it will only work if the inventory is packaged plant. | Patient |
prepack_name | The prepack size as seen on the Inventory page (for prepacks only). | Patient |
prepack_weight_base | The size of the prepack in micrograms. | Patient |
prepack_weight_uom_display | Deprecated. | Patient |
purpose | The selected purpose in the package's properties. (approved for sale, targeted for destruction, etc.) | Patient |
qty | For weight-based packages, this is the weight of the inventory left in the lot. For unit-based packages, this is the number of prepacks left in the lot.
It is displayed in grams.
For plants, prefix this with "mother." to get the info of the mother plant. Prefix it with another "mother." to get the info of the mother's mother plant, and so on. | Patient |
qty_base_deprecated | Deprecated. | Patient |
qty_base_reserved | Deprecated. | Patient |
qty_base | For weight-based packages, this is the weight of the inventory left in the lot. For unit-based packages, this is the number of prepacks left in the lot.
It is displayed in micrograms. | Patient |
shortTestResults | A summary of the most recent THC and CBD test results for the package. For a more detailed summary, use testResults. | Patient |
state_integration_tracking_id | The state integration tag/tracking ID.
For plants, prefix this with "mother." to get the info of the mother plant. Prefix it with another "mother." to get the info of the mother's mother plant, and so on. | Patient |
subcategory_code | An internal MJ Platform identifier of the product's subcategory. Not recommended for use. | Patient |
tag_requested | For packages in Utah.
0: Has Solo*TAG
1: Needs activation but doesn't have one yet.
For plants, prefix this with "mother." to get the info of the mother plant. Prefix it with another "mother." to get the info of the mother's mother plant, and so on. | Patient |
testResults | A summary of the most recent test results for the package. For a summary of only THC and CBD, use shortTestResults. | Patient |
thc | The THC content according to the most recent test results for the package. | Patient |
thc_symbol | The symbol of measurement for THC content. | Patient |
uom_display | Not recommended for use. | Patient |
uom_display_reserved | Not recommended for use. | Patient |
weight_base | The weight of the inventory in the package, in micrograms. | Patient |
feeding_schedule | The name of the feeding schedule assigned to the plant.
Prefix this with "mother." to get the info of the mother plant. Prefix it with another "mother." to get the info of the mother's mother plant, and so on. | Plant |
harvested_date | The date the plant was harvested, as indicated by the user who harvested the plant.
Prefix this with "mother." to get the info of the mother plant. Prefix it with another "mother." to get the info of the mother's mother plant, and so on. | Plant |
last_stage_move_date | The UTC date the plant was last modified to move it to another growth phase.
Prefix this with "mother." to get the info of the mother plant. Prefix it with another "mother." to get the info of the mother's mother plant, and so on. | Plant |
plant_waste | This data key is no longer functional.
Prefix this with "mother." to get the info of the mother plant. Prefix it with another "mother." to get the info of the mother's mother plant, and so on. | Plant |
plant_id | The plant number as it appears on the Plant Listing page.
Prefix this with "mother." to get the info of the mother plant. Prefix it with another "mother." to get the info of the mother's mother plant, and so on. | Plant |
planting_date | The UTC planting date. Comes from the Planting Date field when creating the plant.
Prefix this with "mother." to get the info of the mother plant. Prefix it with another "mother." to get the info of the mother's mother plant, and so on. | Plant |
type | Comes from the Plant Type field when creating the plant.
Prefix this with "mother." to get the info of the mother plant. Prefix it with another "mother." to get the info of the mother's mother plant, and so on. | Plant |
batch_name | The ID of the harvest batch as seen on the Harvest Batch Listing page. | Harvest |
batch_name_and_date | The batch name along with the date the harvest batch was made according to the Harvest Date field when creating the harvest batch. | Harvest |
calculated_moisture_loss | Comes from the Current Calculated Moisture Loss field when finalizing the harvest batch. It is a percentage. | Harvest |
current_other_material_weight | Not recommended for use. | Harvest |
current_other_material | Not recommended for use. | Harvest |
current_weight | Comes from the Current Weight field, which you can see when modifying the harvest batch. This data is displayed in grams. | Harvest |
current_weight_base | Comes from the Current Weight field, which you can see when modifying the harvest batch. This data is displayed in micrograms. | Harvest |
final_other_material | Not recommended for use. | Harvest |
final_weight | The weight of the harvest batch when it was finalized. You can see this in the Original Weight field when modifying the harvest batch. This data is displayed in grams. | Harvest |
final_weight_base | The weight of the harvest batch when it was finalized. You can see this in the Original Weight field when modifying the harvest batch. This data is displayed in micrograms. | Harvest |
final_weight_recorded | Whether the final weight checkbox was selected when finalizing the harvest batch. This data key will always be 1 for valid harvest batches since selecting the checkbox is required. | Harvest |
moisture_loss | Not recommended for use. Use calculated_moisture_loss instead. | Harvest |
moisture_pct | Comes from the Current Moisture field when modifying the harvest batch. It is a percentage. | Harvest |
plants_count | The number of plant records that were selected to create the harvest batch. | Harvest |
rating_avg_airy_buds | Comes from the field when creating the harvest batch from plants. | Harvest |
rating_avg_bud_rot | Comes from the field when creating the harvest batch from plants. | Harvest |
rating_avg_mildew | Comes from the field when creating the harvest batch from plants. | Harvest |
rating_avg_mold | Comes from the field when creating the harvest batch from plants. | Harvest |
rating_avg_pest_resistance | Comes from the field when creating the harvest batch from plants. | Harvest |
rating_avg_stretching | Comes from the field when creating the harvest batch from plants. | Harvest |
rating_avg_total_quality | Not recommended for use. | Harvest |
section | Deprecated. Use location_name instead. | Harvest |
source_strain | For harvest labels: The strain of the plants used to create the harvest batch.
For inventory package labels: The strain of the inventory in the package. | Harvest |
strain_and_tq | The strain of the plants used to create the harvest batch along with the weight taken from them in grams. | Harvest |
strain_name | The strain of the plants used to create the harvest batch. | Harvest |
total_other_material_packaged | Not recommended for use. | Harvest |
total_other_material_waste | Not recommended for use. | Harvest |
total_other_material | Not recommended for use. | Harvest |
total_packaged_weight_base | Not recommended for use. | Harvest |
total_waste_recorded | The difference between the original weight and the current weight of the harvest, which you can see when modifying the harvest batch. This data is displayed in grams. | Harvest |
total_waste_recorded_base | The difference between the original weight and the current weight of the harvest, which you can see when modifying the harvest batch. This data is displayed in micrograms. | Harvest |
test_type | Applicable to Pennsylvania. The test type of the package's latest test results, such as remediation. | Harvest
Inventory |
uom | The unit of measurement for the harvest batch/inventory package. This will always be GR. | Harvest |
weight | Displays the current weight of the harvest batch/inventory package with the prefix "WGT:" and the suffix "GR". For harvest batch labels, you can use current_weight to get the same number without the prefix and suffix. | Harvest |
wet_other_material_weight | Not recommended for use. | Harvest |
wet_other_material | Not recommended for use. | Harvest |
wet_weight_harvest | Comes from the Original Weight field when finalizing the harvest batch (the weight before moisture loss and any other changes). This data is displayed in grams. | Harvest |
wet_weight_harvest_base | Comes from the Original Weight field when finalizing the harvest batch (the weight before moisture loss and any other changes). This data is displayed in micrograms. | Harvest |
allergens | Allergen list according to the Allergens field in the product master. | Inventory |
category | The product category according to the product master. | Inventory |
gross_weight | Comes from the Gross Weight field in the product master if it is present for the product category. | Inventory |
grossWeight | Same as gross_weight with a GR suffix. | Inventory |
grossWeightLabel | Deprecated. | Inventory |
harvest_date | The UTC date and time the harvest batch was created (for plants only) as specified in the harvest date field when harvesting plants. You can see this in the history of the harvest batch under the Action Date column in the bottom row. This data key only works if the package.lot.source_type is harvest_batch | Inventory |
infusedWeight | Comes from the Medicated Net Weight field in the product master if it is present for the product category. | Inventory |
infusedWeightLabel | Deprecated. | Inventory |
ingredients | Comes from the Ingredients field in the Product Master. | Inventory |
net_weight | Comes from the Product Net Weight field in the product master if it is present for the product category. | Inventory |
netWeight | Same as net_weight with its unit of measure suffix added to the end. | Inventory |
nutritional_info | Comes from the Nutritional Information field in the Product Master. | Inventory |
packaged_by_employee_name | Comes from the packaged by field when creating the package. | Inventory |
qty_reserved | Not recommended for use. | Inventory |
raw_weight | The quantity of inventory in the first location the package is listed in on the Inventory page. | Inventory |
retail_base_medical_price | Comes from the field with the same name in the product master. | Inventory |
retail_base_recreational_price | Comes from the field with the same name in the product master. | Inventory |
retail_medical_pricing | The medical pricing group as specified in the product master (the one that isn't by facility). | Inventory |
retail_recreational_pricing | The recreational pricing group as specified in the product master (the one that isn't by facility). | Inventory |
uom_reserved | Not recommended for use. | Inventory |
zpl | Deprecated. | Inventory |
General Prefixed Data Keys
These data keys have a prefix and are applicable to more than one label type.
Data keys with this prefix come from the facility's information on the Organization Profile page.
Data keys with this prefix come from the product master.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data Key | Description |
item_master.activation_time | Comes from the Activation Time field in the Potency Information section in the product master. | | Comes from the Status field in the product master. |
item_master.administration_method | Not recommended for use. |
item_master.allergens | Comes from the Allergens field in the product master. |
item_master.available_to_connects | Not recommended for use. |
item_master.brand | Comes from the Item Brand field in the product master. |
item_master.default_cost | Comes from the Base Price Per <uom> field in the product master. |
item_master.default_cost_uom | The unit of measure for the Base Price Per <uom> field, which is determined by the Inventory Unit of Measure field |
item_master.default_uom | The product master's default unit of measure (GR, EA, etc.) |
item_master.description | Comes from the Product Expansion Description field in the Product Master. |
item_master.dilution_method | Not recommended for use. |
item_master.display_name | The display name of the product master. |
item_master.dominance | Comes from the Dominance Name field in the product master. |
item_master.expiration_period | Deprecated. |
item_master.expiration_period_uom | Deprecated. |
item_master.external_ids | Not recommended for use. |
item_master.has_items | Deprecated. | | The internal MJ Platform ID of the product master. Not recommended for use. |
item_master.ingredient | Deprecated. |
item_master.ingredients | Comes from the Ingredients field in the product master. |
item_master.item_next_number | Not recommended for use. |
item_master.item_number | Comes from the Item ID field in the product master. |
item_master.item_number_prefix | The first few letters of the item number as displayed on the Product Listing page. |
item_master.medicated_volume_base | Comes from the Medicated Volume field in the product master if assigned to a category that is mapped to a liquid category as determined by the state integrator, and is displayed in microliters. |
item_master.medicated_weight_base | Comes from the Medicated Net Weight field in the product master, and is displayed in micrograms. |
_deprecated | Deprecated. |
item_master.medicated_weight_ | Comes from the Medicated Net Weight UOM field in the product master. |
item_master.mutated_data.weightOzG | Comes from the Product Net Weight field in the product master, displaying the product's net weight in ounces, followed in parentheses by the net weight in grams. | | The name of the product master. |
item_master.net_weight_base | Comes from the Product Net Weight field in the product master, and is displayed in micrograms. |
item_master.net_weight_base_deprecated | Deprecated. |
item_master.net_weight_uom_display | Comes from the Product Net Weight UOM field in the product master. |
item_master.nutritional_info | Comes from the Nutritional Information field in the product master. |
item_master.packaging | Deprecated. |
item_master.pieces_per_unit | Comes from the Pieces Per Unit field in the product master. Only applicable to EA products |
item_master.purchasing_attributes | Not recommended for use. |
item_master.requires_refrigeration | Comes from the Requires Refrigeration checkbox in the product master. |
item_master.serving_size | Comes from the Serving Size field in the product master. |
item_master.servings_per_container | Comes from the Servings Per Container field in the product master. |
item_master.solvent | Not recommended for use. |
item_master.supply_duration_days | For patient labels in some jurisdictions, this is the number of days their current supply will last. |
item_master.tags | The list of tags entered into the product master. |
item_master.thc_equivalency | Not recommended for use. |
item_master.unit_weight_base | Comes from the Gross Weight field in the product master, and is displayed in micrograms. |
item_master.unit_weight_base_deprecated | Deprecated. |
item_master.unit_weight_uom_display | Comes from the Gross Weight UOM field in the product master. |
item_master.uom_type | The product master's unit of measure type: weight-based or unit-based (discrete) |
Data keys with this prefix are not recommended for use.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data Key | Description |
item_master.category.category_code | The internal name of the category the product master is assigned to. | | The internal ID of the category the product master is assigned to. | | The user-defined name of the category the product master is assigned to. |
Data keys with this prefix are not recommended for use.
Data keys with this prefix are not recommended for use.
Data keys with this prefix come from the Medical and Recreational Price sections of the product master.
They are indexed starting from 0, where 0 corresponds to the organization default for medical, and subsequent indices correspond first to the ones listed in the medical By Facility subsection, then the organization default for recreational, and lastly the ones listed in the recreational By Facility subsection.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data keys with this prefix come from the image uploaded to the product master. They are not recommended for use.
Data keys with this prefix come from the additional images uploaded to the product master. They are not recommended for use.
Data keys with this prefix come from the Sales Info section in the product master. They are not recommended for use.
Data keys with this prefix come from the strain of the product master.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data Key | Description | | The internal MJ Platform ID of the product's strain. Not recommended for use. |
item_master.strain.strain_name | The name of the product master's strain. |
Data keys with this prefix come from the subcategory of the product master.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data Key | Description | | The internal MJ Platform ID of the product's subcategory. Not recommended for use. | | The name of the product master's subcategory. |
item_master.subcategory.subcategory_code | The internal letter code of the product master's subcategory. Not recommended for use. |
Data keys with this prefix come from the product's vendor information found on its Partner Profile page. They populate at checkout based on which vendor your facility had purchased the package from.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data Key | Description |
item_master.vendor.vendor_org_name | The partner's organization name. |
item_master.vendor.vendor_facility_ | Comes from the Partner Name field of the profile for the partner's facility the package came from. If the field is blank, the legal name is used. |
item_master.vendor.vendor_facility_ | Comes from the legal business entity field of the profile for the partner's facility the package came from. If the field is blank, the regular name is used. |
item_master.vendor.vendor_facility_ | The vendor's state integration ID, if present. |
item_master.vendor.vendor_facility_ | The license ID of the vendor facility the package came from. |
Data keys with this prefix come from the package information itself (if applicable). You can view and modify some of the fields by modifying the package on the Inventory page.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data Key | Description |
package.cultivation_license | All cultivation licenses that provided inputs to the package. Each license is separated by a comma. |
package.harvest_batch_number | The harvest batch number (for plant products only). This only works if the package.lot.source_type is harvest_batch | | The internal MJ Platform ID of the package. Not recommended for use. See package.package_code below. |
package.medically_compliant | Not recommended for use. |
package.medically_compliant_status | Not recommended for use. |
package.modality | Not recommended for use. |
package.on_hold | Comes from the package's Hold field. |
package.package_code | The package ID as seen on the Inventory page. |
package.package_created_at | The UTC date of packaging according to inventory receipt, split package operation, harvest, etc. |
package.package_expires_at | Expiry date of package according to inventory receipt, split package operation, harvest, etc. |
package.packaged_at | The UTC date and time of packaging according to inventory receipt, split package operation, harvest, etc. |
package.plant_batch_number | The plant batch (for plant products only). |
package.rating_aroma | The aroma rating. |
package.rating_avg_total_quality | The quality rating. |
package.rating_clarity | The clarity rating. |
package.rating_color | The color rating. |
package.rating_consistency | The consistency rating. |
package.source_strain | the plant strain (for plant products only). If plants were taken from inventory, this is the mother's strain. |
package.state_integration_tracking_id | The state integration tag/tracking ID. |
tracking_status | Not recommended for use. |
package.tag_requested | For packages in Utah.
0: Has Solo*TAG
1: Needs activation but doesn't have one yet. |
package.unit_cost | The package's cost per unit (as set in the purchase order). |
package.unit_cost_uom | The unit of measure for unit_cost. |
Data keys with this prefix come from the general data of the package's lab results. They are indexed starting from 0, where 0 is the oldest lab result. (For specific lab result information, see package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results below.)
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data Key | Description | | Replace x with an index number.
The internal MJ Platform ID of the lot. Not recommended for use. |
package.lab_results_reference.x. | Replace x with an index number.
Not recommended for use. |
package.lab_results_reference.x. | Replace x with an index number.
The type of entity (e.g., package, harvest, etc.) that this package inherited the results from. |
package.lab_results_reference.x. | Replace x with an index number.
The type of entity (e.g., package, harvest) that the lab result applies to. In this case it will always be a package. |
Data keys with this extended prefix come from the package's lab results. They are indexed starting from 0, where 0 is the oldest lab results. Replace x with the index number of the lab results you want to pull from.
To pull from the most recent lab results instead, see testsData.
Data Key | |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.testing_id |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.testing_date |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.analyst_name |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.medical_conditions |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.status |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.failed_tests_amount |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.completion_status |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.isolocity_status |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.retest_eligible |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.extraction_eligible |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pesticide_status |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.water_activity_status |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.microbial_status |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.mycotoxin_status |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.heavy_metals_status |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.residual_solvents_status |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.foreign_materials_status |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.thickening_agents_status |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.moisture_content_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.moisture_content_water_activity_rate |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.populate_loq |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.thc_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.thc_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.thca_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.thca_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.thcv_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.thcv_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbga_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbga_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.d9_thc_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.d9_thc_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.d8_thc_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.d8_thc_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbd_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbd_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbda_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbda_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbdv_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbdv_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbn_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbn_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbg_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbg_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbc_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbc_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbl_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbl_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbv_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbv_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbcv_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbcv_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbgv_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cbgm_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.bisabolol_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.humulene_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.humulene_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.terpinolene_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.b_myrcene_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.b_myrcene_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.b_pinene_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.b_pinene_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.carophyllene_oxide_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.carophyllene_oxide_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.limonene_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.limonene_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.linalool_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.linalool_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.p_cymene_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.p_cymene_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.eucalyptol_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.eucalyptol_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.a_terpinene_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.y_terpinene_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.y_terpinene_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.carene_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.carene_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.camphene_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.camphene_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.isopulegol_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.isopulegol_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.guaiol_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.guaiol_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.trans_nerolidal_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.trans_nerolidal_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.geraniol_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.geraniol_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.total_terpene_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.total_coliforms_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.total_aerobic_bacteria_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.gram_negative_bacteria_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.yeast_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.yeast_mold_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fecal_contamination_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.insect_parts_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.sclerotinia_sclerotiorum_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.epicoccum_nigrum_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.botrytis_cinerea_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.aspergillus_fumigatus_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.p_aeruginosa_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.s_aurenus_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.acetone_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ethanol_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.n_pentane_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.2_propanol_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.butanes_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ochratoxin_ppb |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ergotalkaloids_ppb |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fusarim_ppb |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.abamectin_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fludioxonil_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.imidacloprid_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.myclobutanil_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pcnb_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.piperonyl_butoxide_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pyrethrin_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.insects_ea |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.salmonella_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.state_integration_source |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.residual_solvent_total |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.total_mycotoxins |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.coli_and_salmonella_cfu_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.plant_stems_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.plant_other_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.total_cb_profile_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.total_cb_profile_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.benzene_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cyclohexane_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.chloroform_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.dichloromethane_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ethyl_acetate_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.hexanes_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.methanol_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.toluene_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.xylene_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.acephate_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.acetamiprid_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.aldicarb_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.azoxystrobin_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.carbaryl_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.carbofuran_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.boscalid_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.chlorantraniliprole_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.chlorfenapyr_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.chlorpyrifos_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.clofentezine_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.daminozide_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ddvp_dichlorvos_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.diazinon_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.dimethoate_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ethoprophos_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.etofenprox_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fenoxycarb_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fenpyroximate_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fipronil_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.hexythiazox_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.imazalil_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.kresoxim_methyl_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.malathion_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.metalaxyl_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.methiocarb_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.methomyl_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.methyl_parathion_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.mgk_264_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.naled_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.oxamyl_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.paclobutrazol_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.permethrinsa_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.phosmet_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.prallethrin_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.propiconazole_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.propoxur_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pyridaben_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.spiroxamine_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.tebuconazole_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.thiacloprid_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pentanes_ppm |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.vitamin_e_acetate_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.dimension_results |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.acephate_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.alachlor_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.aldrin_dieldrin_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.azinphos_ethyl_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.azinphos_methyl_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.bromide_inorganic_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.bromophos_ethyl_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.bromophos_methyl_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.brompropylate_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.chlordane_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.chlorfenvinphos_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.chlorpyriphos_ethyl_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.chlorpyriphos_methyl_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.chlorthal_dimethyl_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.lambda_cyhalothrin_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ddt_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.deltamethrin_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.diazinon_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.dichlofluanid_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.dichlorvos_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.dicofol_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.dimethoate_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.omethoate_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.dithiocarbamates_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.endosulfan_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.endrin_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ethion_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.etrimphos_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fenchlorophos_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fenitrothion_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fenpropathrin_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fensulfothion_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fenthion_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fenvalerate_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.flucytrinate_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.tau_fluvalinate_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fonophos_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.heptachlor_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.hexachlorbenzene_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.hexachlorocyclohexane_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.lindan_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.malathion_malaoxon_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.mecarbam_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.methacriphos_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.methamidophos_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.methidathion_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.methoxychlor_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.mirex_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.monocrotophos_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.parathion_ethyl_paraoxon_ethyl_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.parathion_methyl_paraoxon_methyl_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pendimethalin_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pentachloranisol_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.permethrin_isomers_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.phosalone_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.phosmet_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pirimiphos_ethyl_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pirimiphos_methyl_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.procymidone_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.profenophos_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.prothiophos_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pyrethrum_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.quinalphos_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.quintozene_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.s_421_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.tecnazene_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.tetradifon_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.vinclozolin_mg_kg |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.1_2_dimethoxyethane |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.1_2_dimethylbenzene |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.1_3_dimethylbenzene |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.1_4_dimethylbenzene |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.1_4_dioxane |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.1_butanol |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.1_propanol |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.2_2_dimethylbutane |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.2_3_dimethylbutane |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.2_butanol |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.2_ethoxyethanol |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.2_methylpentane |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.2_propanol_(ipa) |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.3_methylpentane |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.acetamiprid |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.acetonitrile |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.aldicarb |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.azoxystrobin |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.b_caryophyllene_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.b_caryophyllene_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.boscalid |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.carbaryl |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.carbofuran |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.caryophyllene_oxide_mg_g |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.caryophyllene_oxide_percent |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.chlorantraniliprole |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.chlorfenapyr |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.chlorpyrifos |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.clofentezine |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.cumene |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.daminozide |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ddvp_(dichlorvos) |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.diazinon |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.dimethoate |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.dimethyl_sulfoxide |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ethoprophos |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ethyl_ether |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ethylbenzene |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ethylene_glycol |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.ethylene_oxide |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.etofenprox |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fenoxycarb |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fenpyroximate |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.fipronil |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.hexythiazon |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.imazal |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.isopropyl_acetate |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.kresoxim_methyl |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.malathion |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.metalaxyl |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.methiocarb |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.methomyl |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.methyl_parathion |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.methylpropane |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.mgk_264 |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.n_n_dimethylacetamide |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.n_n_dimethylfromamide |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.naled |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.oxamyl |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.paclobutrazol |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pentane |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.permethrins |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.phosmet |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.prallethrin |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.propiconazole |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.propoxur |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pyridaben |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.pyridine |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.spiromesifen |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.spiroxamine |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.sulfolane |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.tebuconazole |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.tetrahydrofuran |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.thiacloprid |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.trifloxystrobin |
package.lab_results_reference.x.lab_results.custom_field_y where y is the custom field number (1 to 5) from the Add Test Results page. |
Data keys with this prefix pertain to the lot information of the package.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data Key | Description | | The internal MJ Platform ID of the lot. Not recommended for use. |
package.lot.lot_created_on | The date the lot was created. |
package.lot.lot_expires_on | The date the lot expires. |
package.lot.lot_number | The lot number of the inventory in the package. For plants, this is the same as the plant batch number. |
package.lot.partner_facility_source | Where the package inventory came from. |
package.lot.rating_avg_total_quality | The quality rating for the package's source lot. For harvest batches only. |
package.lot.source_type | The way that the lot appeared on the Inventory page. |
package.lot.test_results_number | Deprecated. Use lab_results_reference instead. |
Data keys with this prefix come from the ingredients involved in processing/assembling the lot and are only applicable to E&I/processor facilities.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data keys with this prefix are the same as those with just the "package." prefix, except these ones come from the immediate parent package, which is the package inventory was taken from during a package split. If this package was not split off from another, these data keys will not appear.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data keys with this prefix are the same as those with just the "item_master." prefix, except these ones come from the item master of the immediate parent package, which is the package inventory was taken from during a package split. If this package was not split off from another, these data keys will not appear.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data keys with this prefix are the same as those with just the "package.lot" prefix, except these ones come from the immediate parent package, which is the package inventory was taken from during a package split. If this package was not split off from another, these data keys will not appear.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data keys with this prefix come from the strain of the product master of the inventory in the package. To view or modify this information, see Adding Custom Information to Facility Strains.
They are applicable to all label types.
Data keys with this prefix come from the phenotype information associated with the strain of the product master of the inventory in the package.
They are indexed starting from 0, where zero is the first phenotype that was associated with the strain.
They are applicable to all label types.
Data keys with this prefix come from the most recent lab test results. For an indexed list of other lab results, see package.lab_results_reference above.
They are applicable to inventory packages and patient packages.
Data Key |
testsData.measureType |
testsData.testing_date |
testsData.populate_loq |
testsData.thc |
testsData.thca |
testsData.thcv |
testsData.cbd |
testsData.cbda |
testsData.cbdv | |
testsData.cbg |
testsData.cbc |
testsData.cbl |
testsData.cbv |
testsData.cbcv |
testsData.cbgv |
testsData.cbgm |
testsData.cbga |
testsData.testing_id |
testsData.enes.bisabolol_percent |
testsData.enes.p_cymene_percent |
testsData.enes.b_caryophyllene_percent |
testsData.enes.total_terpene_percent |
testsData.enes.camphene_percent |
testsData.enes.carene_percent |
testsData.enes.y_terpinene_percent |
testsData.enes.a_terpinene_percent |
testsData.enes.ocimene_percent |
testsData.enes.linalool_percent |
testsData.enes.humulene_percent |
testsData.enes.limonene_percent |
testsData.enes.carophyllene_oxide_percent |
testsData.enes.b_pinene_percent |
testsData.enes.b_myrcene_percent |
testsData.enes.b_carophyllene_percent |
testsData.enes.terpinolene_percent |
testsData.enes.pinene_percent |
testsData.enes.caryophyllene_oxide_percent |
testsData.test_result_strings.non_zero_terpines.by_weight_desc |
testsData.test_result_strings.non_zero_terpines.by_percent_desc |
testsData.test_result_strings.non_zero_terpines.combined_desc |
testsData.test_result_strings.non_zero_terpines.by_weight_alpha |
testsData.test_result_strings.non_zero_terpines.by_percent_alpha |
testsData.test_result_strings.non_zero_terpines.combined_alpha |
testsData.test_result_strings.non_zero_cannabinoids.by_weight_desc |
testsData.test_result_strings.non_zero_cannabinoids.by_percent_desc |
testsData.test_result_strings.non_zero_cannabinoids.combined_desc |
testsData.test_result_strings.non_zero_cannabinoids.by_weight_alpha |
testsData.test_result_strings.non_zero_cannabinoids.by_percent_alpha |
testsData.test_result_strings.non_zero_cannabinoids.combined_alpha |
Prefixed Data Keys for Inventory Package Labels
These data keys have a prefix and are applicable only to inventory package labels.
enes, enesByWeight, enesByPercent
Data keys with these prefixes come from the Terpene Information section in the product master.
They are applicable to inventory packages.
Data keys with this prefix come from the harvest batch.
They are applicable to inventory packages.
Note: These data keys are only available in cultivation facilities.
Data Key | Description | | Whether the harvest batch is still active (meaning it hasn't been used up yet). |
harvest_batch.batch_name | The name of the harvest batch. |
harvest_batch.calculated_moisture_loss | Comes from the Current Calculated Moisture Loss field when finalizing the harvest batch. It is a percentage. |
harvest_batch.current_other_ | Not recommended for use. |
harvest_batch.current_weight_base | Comes from the Current Weight field, which you can see when modifying the harvest batch. This data is displayed in micrograms. |
harvest_batch.current_weight | Comes from the Current Weight field, which you can see when modifying the harvest batch. This data is displayed in grams. |
harvest_batch.final_other_ | Not recommended for use. |
harvest_batch.final_weight_base | The weight of the harvest batch when it was finalized. You can see this in the Original Weight field when modifying the harvest batch. This data is displayed in micrograms. |
harvest_batch.final_weight | The weight of the harvest batch when it was finalized. You can see this in the Original Weight field when modifying the harvest batch. This data is displayed in grams. |
harvest_batch.final_weight_recorded | Whether the final weight checkbox was selected when finalizing the harvest batch. This data key will always be 1 for valid harvest batches since selecting the checkbox is required. | | The internal MJ Platform ID of the harvest batch. Not recommended for use. |
harvest_batch.location_name | The current section of the harvest batch. |
harvest_batch.modality | Not recommended for use. |
harvest_batch.moisture_loss | Not recommended for use. |
harvest_batch.moisture_pct | Comes from the Current Moisture field when finalizing the harvest batch. It is a percentage. |
harvest_batch.plant_batch_number | The plant batch that the harvest came from. |
harvest_batch.plants_count | The number of plant records that were selected to create the harvest batch. |
harvest_batch.rating_avg_ | The ratings of the harvest batch, which come from the respective fields when harvesting plants. |
harvest_batch.section | Deprecated. Use harvest_batch.location_name instead. |
harvest_batch.source_strain | The strain of the plant batch that was used to create the harvest batch. |
harvest_batch.strain_name | Same as above. |
harvest_batch.total_other_material_ | Not recommended for use. |
harvest_batch.total_other_material_ | Not recommended for use. |
harvest_batch.total_packaged_ | Not recommended for use. |
harvest_batch.total_waste_ | The total waste recorded when the harvest batch was created. This data is displayed in micrograms. |
harvest_batch.total_waste_ | The total waste recorded when the harvest batch was created. This data is displayed in grams. |
harvest_batch.uom | The unit of measure. It is always GR. |
harvest_batch.wet_other_material_ | Not recommended for use. |
harvest_batch.wet_other_material_ | Not recommended for use. |
harvest_batch.wet_weight_harvest_base | Comes from the Original Weight field when finalizing the harvest batch (the weight before moisture loss and any other changes). This data is displayed in micrograms. |
harvest_batch.wet_weight_harvest | Comes from the Original Weight field when finalizing the harvest batch (the weight before moisture loss and any other changes). This data is displayed in grams. |
Data keys with this prefix come from the waste-related fields when harvesting plants. If multiple waste values were entered, these data keys show the aggregate of the values. For individual plant waste values, use the waste-related data keys with the prefix harvest_batch.plants.x
They are applicable to inventory packages.
Data keys with this prefix come from the plants that were selected to create the harvest batch.
They are indexed starting from 0, where 0 corresponds to the first plant selected.
They are applicable to inventory packages.
Data keys with this prefix come from the packages created from the harvest batch.
They are indexed starting from 0, where 0 corresponds to the first package created.
They are applicable to inventory packages.
Data keys with this prefix come from information about the partner facility involved in a supply chain operation. The data keys will contain text when printing a label for a transfer.
They are applicable to inventory packages.
Data keys with this prefix come from information about the user who facilitated a supply chain operation. The data keys will contain text when printing a label for a transfer.
They are applicable to inventory packages.
Prefixed Data Keys for Harvest Batch Labels
These data keys have a prefix and are applicable only to harvest batch labels.
These data keys come from the section the harvest batch is located in.
They are applicable to harvest batches.
Data Key | Description | | The internal MJ Platform ID of the section. Not recommended for use. | | The name of the section. | | Whether the section is active. |
inventory_location.in_store_only | Intended to come from the Visible In Store Only checkbox when managing storage locations in Facility Settings. This data key is currently not functional. |
inventory_location.visible_in_network | Deprecated. |
inventory_location.integrated | Not recommended for use. |
inventory_location.total_square_footage | Deprecated. |
inventory_location.location_type | Deprecated. |
inventory_location.state_integration | Not recommended for use. |
Data keys with this prefix come from the lots created from the harvest batch. They are indexed starting from 0, where 0 is the first lot created from the harvest.
They are applicable to harvest batches.
Data Key | Description | | Replace x with an index number.
The internal MJ Platform ID of the package. Not recommended for use. There is currently no data key to retrieve the package's ID as seen on the Inventory Listing page. |
packages.x.original_weight_base | Replace x with an index number.
The package's weight when it was first created, measured in micrograms. |
packages.x.original_uom_display | Replace x with an index number.
This will always be GR. |
packages.x.plant_batch_number | Replace x with an index number.
The ID of the plant record that was used to create the package's source harvest batch. |
packages.x.package_created_on | Replace x with an index number.
Comes from the Created Date field when creating lots from the harvest batch. |
Data keys with this prefix come from the plants that were used to create the harvest batch. They are indexed starting from 0, where 0 is the plant that was at the top of the list when the harvest was created. There is currently no data key to retrieve the plant's ID as seen on the Plant Listing page. ( displays the internal MJ Platform ID).
They are applicable to harvest batches.
Prefixed Data Keys for Patient Package Labels
These data keys have a prefix and are for patient package labels only.
These data keys come from the patient profile of the customer the package was sold to.
They are applicable to patient packages.
Data Key | Description |
customer.first_name | Comes from the First Name field in the patient profile. |
customer.last_name | Comes from the Last Name field in the patient profile. |
customer.full_name | The first_name and last_name put together. |
customer.diagnosis | Comes from the Diagnosis field in the patient profile. |
customer.physician_notes | Comes from the Notes field in the Additional Medical Marijuana Patient Information section in the patient profile. |
These data keys come from the caregiver information associated with the patient the package was sold to.
They are applicable to patient packages.
Data Key | Description |
caregiver.caregiver_name | Comes from the First Name and Last Name fields in the Caregiver Information section in the patient profile. |
caregiver.caregiver_address | Comes from the fields in the Caregiver Address section of the Caregiver Information section in the patient profile. |
caregiver.caregiver_state_license | The first_name and last_name put together. |
These data keys come from the user profile of the employee who sold the package.
They are applicable to patient packages.
Data Key | Description | | The MJ Platform ID of the employee as seen on the User Listing page in Advanced Settings. |
employee.state_id | Comes from the State License field in the employee's user profile. |
employee.first_name | Comes from the First Name field in the employee's user profile. |
employee.last_name | Comes from the Last Name field in the employee's user profile. |
Prefixed Data Keys for Plant Labels
These data keys have a prefix and are applicable to plant labels only.
They are applicable to plant records.
Aside from prefixed data keys for plant labels, many of the general, non-prefixed data keys can apply to them. See the first table at the top of this article.
Note: You can prefix any plant label data key with "mother" to access information from the mother plant. For example, mother.planting_batch.batch_name returns the batch number of the mother plant. You can chain multiple "mother" prefixes together to go back multiple mothers. For example, mother.mother.plant_id returns the plant ID of the plant's mother's mother.
Data keys with this prefix come from the plant's batch information.
They are applicable to plant records.
Data Key | Description | | The internal MJ Platform ID of the plant's batch. Not recommended for use. Use the data key below instead. |
planting_batch.batch_name | The plant's batch number as shown on the Plant Listing page. |
planting_batch.planting_date | The UTC date of planting, which will be the same as planting_date (without the prefix). |
planting_batch.starting_qty | The number of plants in the batch when it was created. |
planting_batch.starting_type | The plant type of the batch when it was created. |
planting_batch.state_integration_tracking_id | The state integrator tracking ID/tag of the batch, if plants are tracked in groups. | | Whether there is at least one active plant in the batch. |