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How to Split an Inventory Package
Miles Dinsmore avatar
Written by Miles Dinsmore
Updated over 2 years ago

If you need to take some inventory from a package and put it into a new one (or several new ones), split the package.

When a package is split, inventory is removed from it and is put into new packages. The new packages will appear on the Inventory page under the same lot as the source package. They will have the same package ID, but with the specified amount of inventory taken from the source package.

Splitting an Inventory Package

Open the App Drawer and click Inventory. If you are in an E&I facility, click the tab corresponding to the production phase of the package.

[get click_batch_to_expand_row]

Select the checkbox for the package, then click Split Package at the top of the page.

Enter the required information about the package split.



Mark as Test Package

This checkbox is displayed if your state integration supports or requires test packages. Select the checkbox to mark the lot as a sample and will be sent out for testing.

Quantity per Split

The amount of inventory that will go into each newly created package from the split.

For example, if the quantity per split is 2 grams, and the number of splits is 3, then 3 new packages will be created with 2 grams each, and 6 grams will be subtracted from the source package.

# of Splits

The number of new packages to create.

For example, if the quantity per split is 2 grams, and the number of splits is 3, then 3 new packages will be created with 2 grams each, and 6 grams will be subtracted from the source package.

The maximum value allowed for this field is 100.

Select Location

The storage location that the new packages will be in.

Tracking Id

This field is displayed if your state integration requires a tracking ID (such as a METRC or BioTrack tag). Select the next available tag to assign to the new package.


The option you select will be displayed for the new packages on the Inventory page when they are created.

Production Batch

Whether the packages should be marked as a production batch.

Trade Sample

Whether the packages should be marked as a trade sample, which is usually a smaller amount to use for sales purposes.

Packaged Date

The date the lot was packaged.

Created Date

The date the lot was created. This is often the same as a the packaged date.

Expiration Date

The date the lot expires.

Needs Solo*TAG actiavtion

This field is displayed if you operate in Utah. Set this to "Yes" to request a Solo*TAG. It is required to track the package in Utah.

Split By Employee

Select the employee who performed the split.

To add additional splits, click the Copy button or Add button (+) at the bottom-right corner of the section to add another split operation on the package.

Enter the modification date at the bottom of the page.

Complete the split:

  • Click Save to complete the split and return to the Inventory page.

  • Click Save And Split Other to complete the split and stay on the Split Package page.

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