How to Package Bulk Inventory
Miles Dinsmore avatar
Written by Miles Dinsmore
Updated over a week ago

A packaging job allows you to turn a batch of weight-based inventory (either entirely or partly) into unit-based inventory. When you complete the packaging job, you will reassign the selected inventory to a different product master that is set to track its inventory as prepacks.

This procedure can be completed in any of the Cultivation, E&I, or Retail modules.

Note: For E&I facilities, if you want mix two or more different batches into pre-packs, you should complete a process to create a bulk batch of the mixed flower, and then create pre-packs from that bulk batch.

In this article:


In order to complete this procedure, you must have the following prerequisites set up:

  • A product master for the bulk product

    • Ensure the Track this item in Lots checkbox is selected.

    • Ensure the Pre-Pack Item checkbox is cleared.

  • Inventory of the bulk product

  • A product master for the prepacked version of the product

    • Ensure the Track this item in Lots and Pre-Pack Item checkboxes are selected.

Starting a Packaging Job

  1. Open the App Drawer and click Inventory.

  2. [get click_batch_to_expand_row]

  3. Click a package ID to expand its row and click Start. This opens the Start Packaging page.

  4. Enter the required information in the fields provided and click Save. You will be returned to the Inventory page.

Completing a Packaging Job

Note: If you integrated with Metrc, do not use the waste reporting feature in step 7. Instead, before starting this procedure, reconcile the quantity to subtract the waste amount and select the appropriate reason. This adjustment and reason is pushed to Metrc.

  1. Open the App Drawer and click Inventory.

  2. [get click_batch_to_expand_row]

  3. Click the package ID to expand its row again and click Complete. This opens the Complete Packages page.

  4. In the Product drop-down menu, select the prepack version of the product. This displays the chart of the applicable facility package sizes.

    • If there is no prepack version of the product in the menu, ensure a prepack version of the product exists and that in its properties the Track this item in Lots and Pre-Pack Item checkboxes are selected.

  5. Enter the number units being created for each package size. This generates child package IDs.

  6. Enter the date and time the prepacks were made, along with their intended storage location and purpose.

  7. If there is any waste or packaging loss, enter those amounts in the fields provided. This updates the remaining quantity of unpackaged inventory.

    • Note: If you are integrated with Metrc, do not use these fields. They exist for other integrators and legacy packaging jobs that may have existed in some states before Metrc was introduced, and are kept in for backwards compatibility. Instead, by following the note from the beginning of this procedure, ensure you have reconciled the inventory quantity appropriately before completing the packaging job.

    • If you are not integrated with Metrc and have waste tracking enabled, waste will be generated and listed on the Inventory page under the Waste tab when you save. You can then track the waste.

  8. Click Save or Save and Print Labels. You will be returned to the Inventory page with the newly created prepacked inventory displayed in the listing.

In Pennsylvania, at least one package of each size must be sent out for testing. See MJ Platform - Pennsylvania - Testing, Stability and Retest workflows for more information.

Canceling a Packaging Job

  1. Open the App Drawer and click Inventory.

  2. On the Active Inventory tab, click the production run of the package. This expands its row to display the package IDs.

    • You can enter the batch number or package ID into the search field to filter the list.

  3. Click the package ID to expand its row again and click Cancel. The packaging job is canceled.

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