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Managing Coupons
Miles Dinsmore avatar
Written by Miles Dinsmore
Updated over 2 years ago

You can use coupons to offer promotions on your items. You can set the specific days, time, items, and customer groups the coupon will be valid for. After setting up your coupons, you can generate a PDF to obtain their barcodes.

During checkout, staff can click a button to display all applicable coupons, which is determined by comparing the customer and their cart items against each coupon's properties set here.

Note: There is currently a limit of 50 active coupons in the organization. If you exceed this limit, coupons that should be visible to only some facilities will become visible to all facilities. To prevent this, inactivate any unused coupons, and restrict the ability to activate/inactivate coupons by adjusting user role permissions.

In this article:

Creating or Modifying a Coupon

Open the App Drawer, expand the Facility Settings menu and click Coupons.

Create or modify a coupon:

  • To create a new coupon, click Create Coupon.

  • To modify an existing coupon, find it in the list and click Edit.

Set the coupon's properties. Required fields are marked with an asterisk in the program.



Coupon Type

Select one of the following options:

Retailer Standard: The coupon is offered by your organization, and taxes will be calculated after the coupon's discount is applied to the order.

Manufacturer Standard: The coupon is offered through the manufacturer and you allow the coupon to be honored. Taxes will be calculated before the coupon's discount is applied to the order.

Coupon Name

The name of the coupon as it will appear to staff. Use a descriptive, unique name, such as "10% off all items for Veterans".

Applicable Facilities

The retail facilities the coupons can be used at during checkout. At this time you can select non-retail facilities but it will have no effect.

Effective Date

The date the system should start accepting the coupon.

Expiration Date

The final date the system should accept the coupon. After this date has passed, the coupon will inactivate.

Coupon Amount

The discount amount. The field next to this one sets whether the amount is a percentage or cash discount.

Discount Application

Select one of the following options:

A Single Line Item: The coupon can only be applied to individual line items during checkout (See the next field).

The Subtotal: The coupon applies to the subtotal rather than specific items.

Applicable Item Count

This field is only displayed if A Single Line Item is selected for the previous field. Sets the maximum number of duplicate items in a customer's cart that the coupon can apply to. For example, if the item count is set to 1 and a customer uses the coupon while buying two of the same brownies, the coupon will apply to only one of those brownies.

Coupon valid on the following day(s)

The days of the week the coupon will be accepted. You can leave this field blank if the coupon is available every day.

Between ... and ...

The time of day the coupon will be accepted. You can leave theses fields blank if the coupon is available at all times of the day.

Minimum Order Limit

The minimum order subtotal required before the coupon can be applied (regardless of whether the coupon applies to a single line item or the subtotal).

Minimum line item price with coupon

The minimum price that a line item can be set to with this coupon. You can use this to prevent cannabis products from being sold for free, which is against regulation in some jurisdictions. In this case, you could set it to 0.01.

Maximum number of redemptions per coupon

Limits the number of times the coupon can ever be used across all customers and all facilities. It will stop being accepted after this number is exceeded. Leave this blank for unlimited uses.

Maximum number of redemptions per patient

The maximum number of times this coupon can be redeemed by the same customer across all transactions. Leave this blank for unlimited uses.

This coupon is for the selected group(s)

The customer groups that the coupon applies to. If a customer who does not belong to a selected customer group attempts to use the coupon, it won't be accepted.

This coupon is for the selected categories

The categories of product that the coupon can be used on. All products in the selected categories will be applicable.

This coupon is for the selected vendor

The vendor offering the coupon, if any.

This coupon is for the selected product

Individual products that the coupon can be used on. You do not need to select a product here if it is part of a category selected above.

This coupon would count in my discount percentage reporting

Whether to include discounts from this coupon in the discount percentage reporting.

This Coupon should apply to the base price/group price

Whether to calculate the discount on the base price or on the price offered to the customer based on their customer group.

Click Submit or Save And Print Sku. The coupon is created and added to the list.

Inactivating or Reactivating a Coupon

  1. Open the App Drawer, expand the Facility Settings menu and click Coupons.

  2. Activate or inactivate a coupon:

    • To inactivate a coupon, click the Active tab, then find the coupon in the list and click Inactivate. The coupon is moved to the Inactive tab and cannot be used unless it is reactivated.

    • To reactivate a coupon:

      1. Click the Inactive tab, then find the coupon in the list and click Reactivate. The coupon's properties page are displayed.

      2. Set the expiration date to a day in the future, and make any other required changes.

      3. Click Submit.

Generating a PDF of Coupon Barcodes

  1. Open the App Drawer, expand the Facility Settings menu and click Coupons.

  2. Select the checkboxes for each coupon you want labels for.

  3. Click Generate PDF.

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