How to Create an Assembly
Miles Dinsmore avatar
Written by Miles Dinsmore
Updated over a week ago

An assembly is a procedure at your E&I facility that starts with bulk inventory and results in unit-based inventory, meaning inventory that can only be unit-based (not prepacks). The only product categories that meet this output criteria are Cartridges/Pens and Infused Edibles. For example, the procedure of turning bulk concentrate into tinctures is an assembly.

Once you have created an assembly, you can put it into action by starting an infusion.

You can track the quantity of any ingredients used in your assemblies once you create your ingredients.

Check Whether an Assembly is Right for Your Situation


Before getting started, ensure you have created a product master to represent the finished product. The product master's category should be one whose unit of measure is EA (unit-based). This would be a product master in either the Cartridges/Pens category or the Infused Edible category.

If you want to track your usage of non-medicated ingredients, such as chocolate, create the ingredients first.

Creating an Assembly

  1. Open the App Drawer, expand the Facility Settings menu and click Assemblies.

  2. Click Create Assembly. This opens the Create Assembly page.

  3. Enter a unique name for the assembly.

  4. In the Production Item drop-down menu, select the product master the inventory will be assigned to when the infusion is complete.

    • The drop-down menu is populated only with unit-based products. Products in the Concentrate or Flower category, for example, cannot be selected as the output.

  5. Enter the number of units the assembly will yield.

  6. Optionally, fill in the table with the assembly's per-milligram cannabinoid information.

  7. In the Ingredients section, add each of your ingredients that make up the assembly:

    1. From the Ingredient Name drop-down menu, select the ingredient to add.

      • If the ingredient is not displayed, ensure that you have properly created it.

    2. From the UOM drop-down menu, select the unit of measure you used for the ingredient.

      • The drop-down menu displays only units of measure in the same category as the one selected for the ingredient in its settings.

    3. In the Qty field, enter the quantity of the ingredient used. This automatically populates the Line Item Cost field, based on the unit cost of the ingredient.

    4. If you need to add another ingredient, click the Add button. This displays a new ingredient row for you to fill out.

  8. Optionally, add standard operating procedure steps in the Directions section. Click the Add button to add extra steps.

  9. Save the assembly.

    • Click Save Assembly to save the assembly and return to the Assemblies page.

    • Click Save and Duplicate Assembly to save the assembly and open a new Create Assembly page with all fields automatically filled out in the same way.

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