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PA Lab
PA - Lab: Receiving Inventory Samples
PA - Lab: Receiving Inventory Samples
Miles Dinsmore avatar
Written by Miles Dinsmore
Updated over a week ago

Testing labs in Pennsylvania have the ability to receive incoming Transfers without the need to create a Purchase Order.

Complete this procedure to receive an incoming Transfer using automatic Purchase Order creation.

  1. Go to the Supply Chain Mapping page:

    1. Open the App Drawer and click Supply Chain.

    2. Click Supply Chain Mapping.

  2. Autogenerate a Purchase Order:

    1. Select an Incoming Transfer from the Incoming Transfers dropdown menu.

    2. Select the Auto generate a Purchase Order checkbox.

  3. For each product being received, you can map it to an existing product manually or allow the system to automatically map it:

    • To map a product manually:

      1. Click the Product Mapping dropdown list to display all products at the testing lab facility that align with the product category, product subcategory, and unit of measure of the incoming product.

      2. Select a product from the dropdown menu.

    • To allow the system to map a product automatically, select the Automatically Map Product checkbox for the product.
      The system will automatically review the existing products at the testing lab facility and assign one based on matching product category, product subcategory, and unit of measure of the incoming product. If a matching product does not exist, the system will automatically create one so that the incoming transfer can be received.

  4. Click Receive at the bottom of the page.

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